Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Dreams and Visions

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Where there is no vision, the people perish....
—Proverbs 29:18 KJV

It is important to have dreams and visions for our lives. We atrophy without something to reach for. God has created us to have goals. We need to look beyond where we are.

Our dreams and visions are simply hope for a better tomorrow. When God plants a seed of something in our heart, at that point it is a possibility, but not a "positively". That seed must be cared for properly.

Quite often the Lord attempts to place something in our heart, and we fail to conceive that He really means what He is saying. We must remember that we cannot get pregnant with a dream or a vision unless we are able to conceive. Practically speaking, that refers to our thoughts.

We must believe a thing to be possible. We must be able to conceive it in our thoughts. If we do get past the conception, there is still the pregnancy to go through. There is much planning and preparation before the birth. Satan does everything he can to get us to abort our dreams and visions.

God has a vision for your life, and He desires to plant it in your heart. Don't have a "spiritual abortion." Give birth to all that God has placed within you.

Say This:

"I will not give up the dreams and visions God has placed within my heart. I am determined to see them through to the end."

Have a Terrific Tuesday


Unknown said...

Thank you so much Bonnie, for blessing my morning with this beautiful Message of truth. Have a great day Sweetie and hey, keep on smiling!

In His Word-With His Love,

st said...

Yes, Bonnie. Thank so very much. God is with us, who can against us. Whatever happening in us good and bad, God knows. He carries us. We can, in Jesus, dream dreams and put visions into reality. I am once again, Psalm 131:2-3(NLT)calmed and quieted myself and put my hope in the Lord. Marching on to the dreams and visions from God and make it a reality.